Using vehicles as a weapon or as a means of gaining access to carry out an attack has become an increasingly common terrorist tactic.

Hostile vehicle mitigation systems – or HVM – are an effective way to protect people and assets from vehicle attacks. HVM systems also slow down the actions of terrorists who might seek to use a vehicle to gain access to an event or location, enabling the alarm to be raised and a counter terrorism plan to be implemented.

There are lots of different HVM systems available, including temporary HVM, semi-permanent HVM, and permanent HVM systems. All the HVM systems we deploy at SAFECROWDS Group have been rigorously tested and are rated and certified for their effectiveness in stopping a moving vehicle.

Our expert team will always specify the most appropriate HVM solution for your requirements, which may involve specification of more than one HVM system.

All our HVM systems are rated and certified to the relevant standards and listed by the NPSA (National Protective Security Authority). The standards for HVM systems are changing and the NPSA has issued a guidance note about the changes and the new ISO 22343-1 standard.

NPSA’s ISO 22343-1 Guidance


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Explore our temporary HVM systems

Explore our semi-permanent & permanent HVM systems